The Mom Mental Health Reset

Do you feel emotionally tapped out from motherhood?

Do you find yourself coping poorly, lashing out at your loved ones, or simply wish you could be handling the load better?

I'll teach you proven ways to stop the cycle and how to make time to take care of your mental health!

Join The Mom Mental Health Reset, an online workshop to help moms get:

  • A space to simply reflect and learn instead of feeling the pressure to talk about it with a stranger
  • A mental health break from the day-to-day
  • Time to focus on taking good care of YOU
  • Guided reflections led by a counselor to help you problem-solve and work to heal the root of your overwhelm and stress
  • Proven coping strategies to help you on the hard days
  • Practical tools to help you find calm in motherhood and be the best mom you can be
  • A 2-hour workshop filled with helpful tools and strategies (and time to practice them) from a therapist who is a mom like you, for just $39

*Disclaimer: While you will learn valuable tools often used in therapy, this is NOT a replacement for mental health treatment.

Presented by

Samantha Stefaniak, LMHC & Founder of The Mindful Coping Collective

April 6, 2024
9:00am Eastern Time

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